Racing designs

There a different sorts of racing designs. Our most common is helmet designs. Lot of racing drivers know the problem the met when they have to get their helmet design made for the painter. The problem is that its hard to do themself. The process with helmet painters is often slow when it comes to designing process which can take several weeks. We are only focusing on the design process. Thats why we are specialized in custom helmet designs and other racing designs. Our focus is only on doing racing designs, not painting, wrapping etc. We normally uses less that 2 weeks to make a complete custom racing design.

Racing design process

Our design process is fast and we tries to communicate as much as possible with the client. This to get them involved with inputs and opinion. We normally works in the evenings and weekend to make the process and fast as fast as possible.

Where we started

As a former racing drivers in both karting and formula sport, we know all about racing designs. NJ Design has the knowledge about how drivers wants to be unique in the field but also what it design-wise takes to look professional and integrate the sponsors wishes. With over 8 years in the field we have build on different services after demands and what we are the best at, racing designs.



Foto: Noah Watt with customised helmet design by NJ Design.


:: Process in racing designs

We work by the step-by-step method, which means we build up the racing designs with you being on the sideline, so we stick to your wishes, and you will be kept updated throughout the whole proces. This is how the best result is achieved after our experiences. We normally uses less than a week.

*We keep all information confidentially!


:: Services

All our following services provided to our clients from 2013 and forward can be seen in the header ‘Helmet designs’ & ‘Other designs’. Helmet paint can be made by our partner if the clients wants to use the offer, and we can vouch for the quality, delivery time and we take our time to provide the painter will all necessary information.


  • Helmet design

  • Car design

  • Suit design

  • Logo design

  • Bottle design

  • Visor design

  • Autograph card design

  • Commercial video by high quality drone and video footage