Helmet design for Axel Gnos
Helmet design for Axel Gnos is made on an Bell HP7 F1 helmet with gloss finish. Below is a description of the custom helmet design.
Helmet Description:
Helmet type: Bell HP7 F1
Main helmet colors:
- Dark blue with star effects on the back of the helmet
- Red – And the top parts fades from red to dark blue
- White metallic
Pinstripes colors:
- White metallic (bold lines)
- Red (thin lines)
- Light blue (bold lines)
Shadows colors:
- Black
- White
- Light blue
- Light gray
Logo and other:
- AXEL GNOS name in white metallic with red outline
- Swiss flag cross on the back in white metallic
- Swiss landscape on the back
- AG logo on top in red, black and white with black dropshadow